AE060 - Mark Antony

Marcus Antonius, more commonly known in English as Mark or Marc Antony. A powerful Roman politician and general and a staunch ally of Julius Caesar.

Following Caesar’s death he was involved in a power struggle with Caesar’s successor Octavian (later to be called Augustus). Although married to Octavian’s sister he carried on an affair with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra who bore him 3 children.

Eventually Mark Antony and Octavian’s mutual hostility erupted into Civil War and Antony fled to Egypt after his army was defeated at the Battle of Actium. Shortly thereafter the lovers committed suicide.

Our figure of Mark Antony in Roman general’s uniform and armour is based on the designs used in the 1963 epic “Cleopatra” starring Elizabeth Taylor with Richard Burton as Mark Antony.
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Years Antiquity
Celebrities All Celebrities, Actors, Militaries
Gender Men
Role Officers & Leaders
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